what if you have more than 400 DBT models? is the DBTDag still the best option?

Is better to have 400 tasks instead of just 3?

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You could try DbtTaskGroup to group them together. Plus, you can split dbt project into several DAGs (e.g. by a domain).

But if you feel more comfortable with three bash operators – it's totally fine. I had this setup and it worked well.

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Nice article. What about running in k8s using docker and pod operator?

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Sure, it totally possible if you are using kubernetes! I suppose it's gonna be similar to BashOperator, since you are going to run dbt as a CLI command.

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I am just thinking that it's missing in the article. And this is the way how we use it. Probably the most stable for bigger DBA projects with Airflow ig not to use cloud

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